Being happy
Being happy. It is a topic which fascinates me and also mystifies me. I have had people say to me "its alright for you! You are such a positive person. You are always happy".
Recent brew with a view in Ireland
Well actually no I am not. In fact I think that would be quite a freaky thing. However, one thing I do believe is that happiness is a choice. You can choose to focus on being miserable, looking for the bad in things. Or you can look for things that lift your soul and choose to put your energies into those things. It takes practice, but does become a habit and then become second nature. One thing I have found works for me is breaking down your day do into shorter moments.
Often we set our mood in the morning and do nothing about it when we are in a grump. One of my pet hates when people say at 10.00am in the morning "I am having a bad day" - Bullshit!! you are having a bad moment or a bad hour. DO NOT give your brain permission to run riot and ultimately give yourself a bad day. Instead make that choice. Think of a reason to be happy. What would make you happy RIGHT NOW?
Now this is the crucial bit. Don't give yourself some crazy pipe dream. Dreaming of world peace, a cure for cancer, winning the lottery (even if you don't buy tickets) are not achievable and will only make you feel like a powerless passenger to your destiny. Instead think what would make you smile now? Think in smaller snap shots.
What makes my happy? For me happiness often means going outside. I tend to look at plants, trees birds and insects. I like patterns and textures in nature. This could be plants but also clouds, rocks and sand. I like the sound of birdsong, the sea, flowing rivers or streams. I like the smell of the sea and newly mown grass. All these are using the senses and help root you in the here and now. Sometimes you have to push yourself to notice things but just try next time you go for a walk.
If I know I am going to be stuck inside in a potentially anxious time such as waiting for a scan, in the chemo chair or more recently travelling back from Ireland to Exeter for my treatment. I try and plan ahead a bit. How will I spend my time? Speaking to or texting a friend. Looking through recent photos and planning our next travels. Reading books on my Kindle. I like to listen to podcasts (I am a big fan of Dr Rangan Chatteree). I might try some mindfulness, breathing exercises, or do something creative. Yes this might be distraction tactics, but by focussing on a shorter length of time you can then reflect on what you have achieved. So over to you. Are you happy right now? And what are you going to choose to do about it?